VOAPF 2024

Group Name: Russell Wellner

Title: When the Forest Calls for Help

Playwright: Russell Wellner


Type of Play: Musical

Duration: 1 hour

Date of Play: Wed June 5th


Synopsis: In 2021, there was a protest to save the Fairy Creek Watershed. When River learns that his father James was one of the most notorious old growth loggers in history, he leaves home to join the demonstration. With childhood friend Indie at his side, River enters the fantastical world of old growth forests. But with a militarized police force ready to pounce, will he and his newfound community keep the trees from falling? A musical about the legacy we are left with and the legacy we leave for future generations. 

Based on true events, lived experiences, interviews, and stories heard.


Warning: Police violence, environmental destruction

Role Name
River Russell Wellner
Indie Gabriela Dominguez
Basil Glenn MacDonald
Gaia Charleen Meisner
James ?

Special thank you to Nicholas Guerreiro for his mentorship and support as a dramaturg while writing the book. Thank you to Brooke Maxwell, Angela Davis, Bill Jones, Naia Patterson, Kai Kristiansen and the countless interviews and conversations I had at Fairy Creek. Finally to James, who’s last name I never learned. A retired old-growth logger who told me his story and made me promise him I’d do what I could to save the last of our ancient forests.