VOAPF 2023

Group Name: Elizabeth Fehr

Title: Rose Petals

Playwright: Elizabeth Fehr

Type of Play: Drama

Duration: 15 minutes

Date of Play: Friday June 9 

Synopsis: “Rose Petals” follows the story of two women and a girl who are sexual assaulted and raped. The story flips back and forth between their stories as they report them to the police: Bethany was cat-called while walking home, Mackenzie was sexually assaulted by her best friend at a party, and Erica was raped by her boyfriend. It captures the way they are treated by the police and by those around them. It also calls out the audience and society for their ignorance and silence pertaining to stories of sexual assault and rape in both the media and people around them.

Content warnings: Coarse language, discussions of sexual assault/rape, discussions of sexual assault between minors, implications of abuse

Name Role
Elizabeth Fehr Director/Playwright 
Cooper Hiebert Lighting Designer and Stage Manager 
Gia Love Character: Bethany
Michelle Naidu Character: Mackenzie 
Heather Watt Character: Erica
Eli Lewis Character: Police Officer
Eli Lewis Character: Jesse 


Elizabeth wants to thank Christopher Weddell (her mentor), the Fowler Family, PCS, CCPA, her high school english teachers, her mother (for letting them rehearse on the balcony), Tyrus, the cast of the first read-through, Gia, Michelle, Heather, Eli, and Cooper.